Have about half the deck in both hands, have the spectator replace the chosen card on top of the left hand stock. Place the right hand stock on top, or dribble on top such as to cover the pinky break you will catch above the spectator's card. Square ... Read more of Double Undercut at Card Trick.caInformational Site Network Informational
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(Patchwork Puzzles)
I have eight sticks, four of them being exactly half the length of the
others. I lay every one of these on the table, so that they enclose
three squares, all of the same size. How do I do it? There must be no
loose ends hanging over.


The first diagram is the answer that nearly every one will give to this
puzzle, and at first sight it seems quite satisfactory. But consider the
conditions. We have to lay "every one of the sticks on the table." Now,
if a ladder be placed against a wall with only one end on the ground, it
can hardly be said that it is "laid on the ground." And if we place the
sticks in the above manner, it is only possible to make one end of two
of them touch the table: to say that every one lies on the table would
not be correct. To obtain a solution it is only necessary to have our
sticks of proper dimensions. Say the long sticks are each 2 ft. in
length and the short ones 1 ft. Then the sticks must be 3 in. thick,
when the three equal squares may be enclosed, as shown in the second
diagram. If I had said "matches" instead of "sticks," the puzzle would
be impossible, because an ordinary match is about twenty-one times as
long as it is broad, and the enclosed rectangles would not be squares.

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