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(The Guarded Chessboard)
The following is a prize puzzle propounded by me some years ago. Produce
a game of chess which, after sixteen moves, shall leave White with all
his sixteen men on their original squares and Black in possession of his
king alone (not necessarily on his own square). White is then to _force_
mate in three moves.


White. Black.
1. Kt to QB 3rd 1. P to Q 4th
2. Kt takes QP 2. Kt to QB 3rd
3. Kt takes KP 3. P to KKt 4th
4. Kt takes B 4. Kt to KB 3rd
5. Kt takes P 5. Kt to K 5th
6. Kt takes Kt 6. Kt to B 6th
7. Kt takes Q 7. R to KKt sq
8. Kt takes BP 8. R to KKt 3rd
9. Kt takes P 9. R to K 3rd
10. Kt takes P 10. Kt to Kt 8th
11. Kt takes B 11. R to R 6th
12. Kt takes R 12. P to Kt 4th
13. Kt takes P (ch) 13. K to B 2nd
14. Kt takes P 14. K to Kt 3rd
15. Kt takes R 15. K to R 4th
16. Kt takes Kt 16. K to R 5th
White now mates in three moves.
17. P to Q 4th 17. K to R 4th
18. Q to Q 3rd 18. K moves
19. Q to KR 3rd (mate)
If 17. K to Kt 5th
18. P to K 4th (dis. ch) 18. K moves
19. P to KKt 3rd (mate)
The position after the sixteenth move, with the mate in three moves, was
first given by S. Loyd in _Chess Nuts_.

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