From the Russian. Kletke. Long time ago there lived a King who had three sons; the eldest was called Szabo, the second Warza, and the youngest Iwanich. One beautiful spring morning the King was walking through his gardens with these t... Read more of The Witch And Her Servants at Children Stories.caInformational Site Network Informational
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(The Guarded Chessboard)
Here is a new puzzle with moving counters, or coins, that at first
glance looks as if it must be absurdly simple. But it will be found
quite a little perplexity. I give it in this place for a reason that I
will explain when we come to the next puzzle. Copy the simple diagram,
enlarged, on a sheet of paper; then place two white counters on the
points 1 and 2, and two red counters on 9 and 10, The puzzle is to make
the red and white change places. You may move the counters one at a time
in any order you like, along the lines from point to point, with the
only restriction that a red and a white counter may never stand at once
on the same straight line. Thus the first move can only be from 1 or 2
to 3, or from 9 or 10 to 7.
4 8
/ /
2 6 10
/ /
3 7
/ /
1 5 9


Play as follows: 2--3, 9--4, 10--7, 3--8, 4--2, 7--5, 8--6, 5--10, 6--9,
2--5, 1--6, 6--4, 5--3, 10--8, 4--7, 3--2, 8--1, 7--10. The white
counters have now changed places with the red ones, in eighteen moves,
without breaking the conditions.

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